AirNDS Channel & Metaverse

Intelligent Solutions for Automation and Management

SiagFT - Intelligent Solutions for Automation and Management

A Quarta Revolução Industrial

The Future and Evolution of Intelligence

"Cybernetic systems combine machines with digital processes, are able to make decentralized decisions, cooperate with people through the internet of things, creating truly intelligent networks that can control themselves. It's technology helping people and society do what they do... better and better."



Automation of Knowledge

"Connection, automation and integration of systems and processes, generating high synergy and making them more efficient."


M2M, IoT, IoE - Internet de Todas as Coisas

M2M, IoT, IoE - Internet of Everything

"The evolution of the Internet in a new era of disruptive innovations and exponential technologies."


Análise, Controle e Monitoramento

Analytics, Control and Monitoring

"Generation of knowledge from data extraction, turning them into wisdom for competitive advantage and important decision-making."


Casas Inteligentes

​Smart Homes

"Incorporating a communications network that connects electrical appliances and essential services, and allows them to be controlled remotely, monitored or accessed."


Edifícios Inteligentes

​Smart Buildings

"New applications for commercial or residential buildings, promoting the transfer of data from one system to another, comfort, security and above all economy."


Cidades Inteligentes

​Smart Cities

"Use of technology to improve urban infrastructure and make urban centers more efficient and better to live in."


Aprendizado de Máquina e Aprendizagem Profunda

Machine Learning and Deep Learning

"Modeling high-level abstractions of data using a deep multi-layered processing diagram composed of several linear and non-linear transformations."


Tecnologias Financeiras

Cryptoassets and Financial Technologies

"Creating innovative products that address an existing problem or enhance the user experience when performing financial transactions or services."


Transformação Digital

Metaverse and The Digital Transformation

"Development: Digitization ---> Digitalization ---> Digital Transformation.
Digitization is a sub-process of a much larger technological progress: digitization (the conversion), digitalization (the process) and the digital transformation (the effect) that are collectively accelerating the global and societal transformation process.
Digitalization is the actual process of the technologically-induced change within the industries. This process has enabled much of the phenomena today known as the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, Big Data, Machine to Machine Communication, etc.
Thus, enabling the company to be based on digital processes, transforming the infrastructure and the basic elements of the business with the impact of the use. "